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Alternator Cummins


1.247,40 lei

1.550,00 lei

Amperage 70B+ M8Free wheel pulley NoGrooves 8Mounting Holes 2Pulley (mm) 55Volt 24 GAZ 3309/3310 eng. Cummins ISF 3.8 /FOTON eng. Cummins ISF 3.8 /PAZ eng. Cummins ISF 3.8 Cummins 4990783, 5263796, 5318117, C4990783; Ford JFZ270112; KRAUF ALP3003GB, ALP3003LK, ALP3003UW, ALP3003YX; Motorherz ALP3003WA; Prestolite AVi141C3003, AViH2070D; ZAUFER 301N20773Z

Amperage 70
B+ M8
Free wheel pulley No
Grooves 8
Mounting Holes 2
Pulley (mm) 55
Volt 24

GAZ 3309/3310 eng. Cummins ISF 3.8 /
FOTON eng. Cummins ISF 3.8 /
PAZ eng. Cummins ISF 3.8

Cummins 4990783, 5263796, 5318117, C4990783; Ford JFZ270112; KRAUF ALP3003GB, ALP3003LK, ALP3003UW, ALP3003YX; Motorherz ALP3003WA; Prestolite AVi141C3003, AViH2070D; ZAUFER 301N20773Z

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Alternator Cummins

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